DL news
2007-12-03: DELOS Association established
The DELOS Association for Digital Libraries has been established in order to keep the "DELOS spirit" alive by promoting research activities in the field of digital libraries.
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2007-06-08: Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries

The 2nd International Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries will be held in Budapest (Hungary) on 20 Septemeber 2007, in conjunction with the 11th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2007).
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DL Events
January 24-25, 2008 - Padova, Italy

4th Italian Research Conference on Digital Library Systems
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December 5-7, 2007 - Pisa, Italy

Second DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries
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DELOS Association for Digital Libraries

In order to keep the "DELOS spirit" alive, the DELOS Network of Excellence has established a "DELOS Association" as a not-for-profit organization whose main aim is to continue as much as possible the DELOS activities. The main objective of the organization is to promote research activities in the field of digital libraries through the organization of workshops, working groups, schools, etc.

Association homepage

DELOS Digital Library Reference Model

The term Digital Libraries corresponds to a very complex notion with several diverse aspects and cannot be captured by a simple definition. A comprehensive representation of Digital Libraries, encapsulating all potential perspectives, is required. This has led DELOS to start an effort, whose aim is to set the foundations and identify the cornerstone concepts within the universe of Digital Libraries, facilitating the integration of research and proposing better ways of developing appropriate systems. Begun by a core group of DELOS members, the reference model activity now involves other DELOS and non-DELOS researchers, working from the perspectives of different domains. Liaisons with similar activities carried out by other international initiatives have been established in order to achieve a global and stable level of consensus on the model.

Further information

DELOS Software Inventory

Many of the DELOS research activities lend themselves to the implementation of software prototypes (with varying degrees of completeness), which are useful to validate research hypothesis and/or to evaluate the applicability of research results to practical applications. The "DELOS Software Inventory" collects an initial list of such packages, with a clear indication of their possible application fields and the contact points for users interested to test the packages.

Any member of the Community is invited to contribute to the inventory, which will be periodically updated. The inventory will be used as one of the vehicles for exploring potential cooperation and technology transfer to interested user communities and to verify the possible interest of commercial partners.

Complete Software Inventory (pdf)

DELOS Digital Library Management System

A central task in DELOS is to jointly build a prototype for the future Digital Library Management System that makes available the results of many groups in DELOS. The prototype is based on the OSIRIS/ISIS middleware that was started at ETH and further developed at UMIT, at the University of Basel and at the University of Konstanz. By integrating the contributions of several DELOS partners, the system combines text and audio-visual searching, offers personalized browsing using new information visualization and relevance feedback tools, allows retrieved information to be annotated and processed, integrates and processes sensor data streams, and finally, from a systems engineering point of view, is easily configured and adapted while being reliable and scalable.

Further information

The OSIRIS Process Support Middleware

DELOS Research Report 2006

The report describing the DELOS research activities has just been published. It contains 30 short papers summarizing the research activities and results of the 30 tasks through which the DELOS research is being carried-on.

The DELOS Research Report 2006

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