DL news
2007-12-03: DELOS Association established
The DELOS Association for Digital Libraries has been established in order to keep the "DELOS spirit" alive by promoting research activities in the field of digital libraries.
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2007-06-08: Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries

The 2nd International Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries will be held in Budapest (Hungary) on 20 Septemeber 2007, in conjunction with the 11th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2007).
Event website

DL Events
January 24-25, 2008 - Padova, Italy

4th Italian Research Conference on Digital Library Systems
Event website

December 5-7, 2007 - Pisa, Italy

Second DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries
Event website

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an Association for
Digital Libraries

In the past ten years (3 years as a working group, 3 years as a Thematic Network and 4 years as a Network of Excellence) DELOS has given a substantial contribution to the establishment in Europe of a research community on Digital Libraries.

In order to try and keep the "DELOS spirit" alive, we have established a "DELOS Association" as a not-for-profit organization (for practical reasons established in Italy) whose main aim is to continue as much as possible the DELOS activities (see the Association Statute and By-Laws).

The main objective of the organization is to promote research activities in the field of digital libraries through the organization of workshops, working groups, schools, etc.

The Association is open to both individuals and organizations, and the membership fee for the first year has been set to 50 Euro for individuals and 2000 Euro for organizations.

The Membership Application form should be printed, filled and faxed to:
Francesca Borri (+39 050 315 3464).

We do hope that many will support this initiative by becoming active members
and by convincing their own organizations to also become a member.


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