Lisbon, Portugal
18-20 September 2000

Research Papers and Invited Talks - Room Europa

18 September, 09:30 - chair: José Borbinha

Invited Talk 1: Organizations, knowledge, and human resources - José Tribolet

Research paper: Aging Links - Claudia Niederée, Ulrike Steffens, Joachim W. Schmidt and  Florian Matthes

18 September, 11:30 - Optical Recognition (Papers Session 1) - chair Hachim Hadouti

Automatic Feature Extraction and Recognition for Digital Access of Books of the Renaissance - F. Muge, I. Granado, M. Mengucci, P. Pina, V. Ramos, N. Sirakov, J.R. Caldas Pinto, A. Marcolino, Mário Ramalho, P.Vieira and A. Maia do Amaral

Content Based Indexing and Retrieval in a Digital Library of Arabic Scripts and Calligraphy - Suliman Al-Hawamdeh and Gul Nawaz Khan

Ancient Music Recovery for Digital Libraries - J. Caldas Pinto, P.Vieira, M. Ramalho, M. Mengucci, P. Pina and F. Muge

Probabilistic Automation Model for Fuzzy English-text Retrieval - Manabu Ohta, Atsuhiro Takasu, and Jun Adachi

18 September, 14:30 - chair Carl Lagoze

Invited Talk 2: " Open access to digital libraries: Must research libraries be expensive? ", William Y. Arms

Research paper: Core Elements of Digital Gazetteers: Placenames, Categories, and Footprints - Linda L. Hill

18 September, 16:30 - Information Retrieval (Papers Session 2) - chair Edward Fox

Associative and Spatial Relationships in Thesaurus-based Retrieval - Harith Alani, Christopher Jones and Douglas Tudhope

Experiments on the Use of Feature Selection and Negative Evidence in Automated Text Categorization - Luigi Galavotti, Fabrizio Sebastiani and Maria Simi

The Benefits of Displaying Additional Internal Document Information on Textual Database Search Result Lists - Offer Drori

Interactive- Time Similarity Search for Large Image Collections Using Parallel VA-Files - Roger Weber, Klemens Böhm and Hans J.Schek

19 September, 09:30 - chair Stuart Weibel

Invited Talk 3: " Standardization in the information society – or how to avoid market anarchy ", Luc Van den Berghe (CEN/ISSS - European Committee for Standardization / Information Society Standardization System)

Complement talk: " DCMI - Dublin Core Metadata Initiative" , Stuart Weibel

19 September, 11:30 - Metadata (Papers Session 3) - chair Thomas Baker

Dublin Core Metadata for Electronic Journals - Ann Apps and Ross MacIntyre

An Event-Aware Model for Metadata Interoperability - Carl Lagoze, Jane Hunter and Dan Brickley

Quest: Querying Specialized Collections on the Web - Martin Heß, Christian Mönch and Oswald Drobnik

Personal Data in a Large Digital Library - José Manuel Barrueco Cruz, Markus J.R.Klink and Thomas Krichel

19 September, 14:30 - chair Carol Peters

Invited Talk 4: Supporting the Intellectual Life of a Democratic Society", Philip E. Agre

Research paper: The Application of an Event-Aware Metadata Model to an Online Oral History Archive - Jane Hunter and Darren James

19 September, 16:30 - Frameworks (Papers Session 4) - chair Shigeo Sugimoto

Implementing a Reliable Digital Object Archive - Brian Cooper, Arturo Crespo and Hector Garcia-Molina

Policy-Carrying, Policy-Enforcing Digital Objects - Sandra Payette and Carl Lagoze 

INDIGO: An Approach to Infrastructures for Digital Libraries - Christian Mönch

Scalable Digital Libraries based on NCSTRL/Dienst - Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair, Hesham Anan, Dun Tan and Yunchuan Zhang

20 September, 10:30 - chair Mário Silva

Invited Talk 5: "Interactivity : Design and Construction Paradigms" , Nuno Guimarães

Research paper: From the Visual Book to the WEB Book: the Importance of Good Design - M. Landoni, R. Wilson and F. Gibb

20 September, 11:30 - Multimedia (Papers Session 5), chair Norbert Fuhr

OMNIS/2: A Multimedia Meta System for existing Digital Libraries - Günther Specht and Michael G. Bauer

Modeling Archival Repositories for Digital Libraries - Arturo Crespo and Hector Garcia-Molina

Implementation and Analysis of Several Keyframe-based Browsing Interfaces to Digital Video - Hyowon Lee, Alan F. Smeaton, Catherine Berrut, Noel Murphy, Seán Marlow and Noel E. O'Connor

20 September, 14:30 - Users (Papers Session 6), chair Alberto Silva

Interaction Profiling in Digital Libraries through Learning Tools - G. Semeraro, F. Esposito, N. Fanizzi and S. Ferilli

DEBORA: Developing an Interface to Support Collaboration in a Digital Library - David M. Nichols, Duncan Pemberton, Salah Dalhoumi, Omar Larouk, Claire Belisle  and Michael B. Twidale

Children as Designers Partners and Testers for a Chidren's Digital Library - Yin Leng Theng, Norliza Mohd Nasir, Harold Thimbleby, George Buchanan, Matthew Jones, David Bainbridge and Noel Cassidy

Evaluating a User-Model Based Personalisation Architecture for Digital News Services - Alberto Diaz Esteban, Pablo Gervás Gómez-Navarro and Antonio Garcia Jiménez

/">Implementation and Analysis of Several Keyframe-based Browsing Interfaces to Digital Video - Hyowon Lee, Alan F. Smeaton, Catherine Berrut, Noel Murphy, Seán Marlow and Noel E. O'Connor

20 September, 14:30 - Users (Papers Session 6), chair Alberto Silva

Interaction Profiling in Digital Libraries through Learning Tools - G. Semeraro, F. Esposito, N. Fanizzi and S. Ferilli

DEBORA: Developing an Interface to Support Collaboration in a Digital Library - David M. Nichols, Duncan Pemberton, Salah Dalhoumi, Omar Larouk, Claire Belisle  and Michael B. Twidale

Children as Designers Partners and Testers for a Chidren's Digital Library - Yin Leng Theng, Norliza Mohd Nasir, Harold Thimbleby, George Buchanan, Matthew Jones, David Bainbridge and Noel Cassidy

Evaluating a User-Model Based Personalisation Architecture for Digital News Services- Alberto Diaz Esteban, Pablo Gervás Gómez-Navarro and Antonio Garcia Jiménez