ECDL2000 - Panel 1
Joint Panel of thje projects COVAX,
Promoting projects
Contemporary Cultural Virtual Archives in XML
MASTER - Manuscript
Access through Standards for Electronic Records
MALVINE - Manuscripts and Letters vian
Integrated Networks in Europe
Jutta Weber (MALVINE)
Panel members
Peter Robinson (MASTER)
Carlos Wert (COVAX)
Tone Merete Bruvik (MALVINE)
Hans-Jörg Lieder (MALVINE)
Herwig Zeiner (MALVINE)
...other participants from MASTER and COVAX to be announced...
Kick-off with three short lectures about different ways of accessing cultural
heritage information (approx. 20-30 min. for each lecture):
- The COVAX approach: COVAX is building a web service on 20th century
culture by converting existing records into homogeneously-encoded document
descriptions of archive, library and museum collections from content owners
and developers in Austria, Italy, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom into a
distributed XML store.
- The MASTER approach: Creation of a robust and flexible SGML/XML based
standard for manuscript descriptions, implementing this as a web-based
record validation and cataloguing system suitable for use by libraries and
archives with limited IT resources.
- The MALVINE approach: Establishment of a Z39.50 and XML based network of
modern manuscript information, development and maintenance of a MALVINE
metadata format for manuscript descriptions and biographical information.
Main topics of the panel discussion
Kinds of data that are offered
- catalogue data
- biographical authority information
- digital images
Reasons for choosing a particular approach, goals to be achieved
- enhanced access to information
- enhanced communication between data provider
- enhanced communication between data providers and end users
- consideration of existing metadata standards
- establishing of specific metadata standards
- application of "neutral" communication protocolls (SGML, XML,
Methods/ tools to be developed
- MALVINE toolbox:
- web configuration toolkit
- data entry facility
- data import facility
- XML based data conversion facility.
- analysis of existing DTDs and proposals for a common information
structure for all types of documents
- conversion tools for converting selected existing records in current
formats to the appropriate DTD
- distributed XML repository of web-accessible Covax records on 20th
century culture.
Targeted audiences
- data/content providers
- expert users (i.e. staff working on the material in the relevant
- public end users
Aspects of information brokerage
- rights management
- access control
- billing systems and structures
Strategies of exploitation
- how to transport a project into a running service
- required technical and semantic infrastructure
- cooperation needs:
- on a national level
- on a European level
- worldwide